Get Involved with Upcoming Productions!

Help us share local happenings with the community by volunteering on an upcoming project!

By Allison Klinger 2 Min Read

Capture the Event: Edison Neighborhood Annual Meeting

The 2024 Annual Meeting of the Edison Neighborhood promises to be an enjoyable event for families with the opportunity to engage in feedback sessions. Volunteers will assist in documenting the event with our Mobile Activism Kit to capture B-roll footage and interviews with participants.

Camera Operator: Capture B-roll and interviews for Amplify Kalamazoo

Editor: Edit footage of event into a news package

September 28  |  3:00 – 5:00 p.m. 

Sign up: Find more info about the opportunity here

Join the Crew: WMU University Wind Symphony Concert

Camera Operator: Assist with set-up and recording with JVC camera

TriCaster Operator: Switch cameras on the TriCaster

October 13  |  2:00 p.m. 

Sign up: Contact Matt at to volunteer

Capture the Event: Kalamazoo Women’s March

Camera Operator: Capture B-roll and interviews for Amplify Kalamazoo

Editor: Edit footage of event into a news package

October 13  |  1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Sign up: Contact Mil at to volunteer

Join the Crew: Newsletter Writer

Writer: Share local events and happenings that you are looking forward to as content for our Monday’s “This Week in Kalamazoo” newsletters

Ongoing  |  Shifts between 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Sign up: Contact Alli at to volunteer

If you are interested in getting involved but not sure how, reach out to Alli at or call (269) 343-2211 to chat about your options!

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