Share Your Videos

Reach and connect with a new audience

Amplify your reach

Any nonprofit organization, government agency, or resident of our partner communities or who is 18 or older, or 17 and under with adult supervision, can submit a video for free. 

Public Media Network provides free airtime on five local cable channels broadcasting in the City of Kalamazoo, City of Parchment, Comstock Township, Kalamazoo Township, Oshtemo Township, City of Portage, and on Western Michigan University’s campus. Programming is also streamed on our website, and through our apps on Roku FireTV, Apple TV, and mobile devices.

We encourage people who live in our area to share their content.  The only catch is that is has to be non-commercial and not obscene.

If you live outside of the Greater Kalamazoo area, you need a local program sponsor to submit your content for distribution.

Steps to get started

All you have to do is register as a Volunteer as an Access Member of the Community Access Center with Public Media Network.  If you have any questions, please call (269) 343-2211 or email

You own your content.  If you use any copyright protected materials, you need to obtain permission from the owner prior to submitting the content for distribution. We encourage you to share your content through a Creative Commons License.  Learn more about Creative Commons here. If you use Public Media Network’s production resources at the Access level membership to create your content, then it must air only on Public Media Network.  You also have to provide a production credit in your program.

Yes, there are some basic Programming Standards which must be followed.

Public Media Network is commercial-free, so your videos cannot advertise or endorse commercial businesses, products, or services. Your videos cannot violate copyright, privacy, libel, or other laws. 

Yes, you can have and provide recognition for sponsors under specific guidelines.

You can learn more in our Sponsorship and Commercial Content Guide.


There are a couple options to submit a Program Airtime and Distribution Request.

  You can bring your media file into Public Media Network to submit at a computer station, or you can submit your file remotely through the access portal.