Community Producers

Amplifying the voices of your neighbors.

Get access to a wide range of Public Media Network services to tell your story, including access to production equipment and support to produce independent programs for broadcast on Public Media Network TV channels.

Person sitting at control room switcher and monitors

Community Partners

Increase your reach

Promote your organization, your mission, and increase your impact through the power of video. Reach new audiences through Public Media Network.

Share Your Videos

Connect with new audiences

You have the chance to connect with viewers across Greater Kalamazoo. Submit your video content for distribution through Public Media Network.

Content Studio

Production services for nonprofits

Work with us to produce videos to specifically meet your goals.

two people sitting in a studio for an interview
community access logo over picture of four people in vidcast studio

Community Access Center

Access to production facilities and equipment

Join to be able to use production studios, editing systems, and production gear for your needs

Get Involved & Join the Network

Public Media Network is a dynamic community of individuals, groups, and nonprofit organizations who value the power of media. Whether you are a novice or skilled in media, there are a number of ways to you can get involved in media that matters to you and your community.